Are you preparing for geography tests but having problem in memorizing countries, capitals & currencies?
For some people it can be perceived as a overwhelming task to memorize names of countries with it's capital names and currencies and it is, if you don't how to memorize them properly but, memorizing them is super easy to be honest, if you just learn this one technique that i will be showing you in this post.I myself have memorized whole Europe's 46 countries using this method.It helped me a lot & i have confidence it will surely help you too!
The technique i utilized to memorize large sum of countries capitals & currencies easily is called major system, it is also called ultimate memorization technique.
What is major system?
Major system is the ultimate memorization system that has been used & developed continuously for about 300 years & by using it you can literally memorize anything from digit to alphabets.We also will be using this amazing system to easily memorize all the things we want.
Note:- If you haven't learned Major system read the post & resume afterwards!
Now how to memorize?
Say we wanna memorize countries of continent Europe, as you know there are total of 46 countries in Europe.We will start memorizing in Europe's countries in alphabetical order.
Let's start with Albania, capital = Tirana, currency = lek.
1 = tea (according to Major system).
Now the country is located in Europe, so first imagine a big golden rope(to help remember europe), Now imagine an albino monkey(albania) sitting & drinking tea with his right hand, on the left hand he is holding tirana(is a name of girl in anime named cop craft) & sitting on a red water (for flag's color) lake lek, currency).
2 = noah, Major system digit.
Andorra, capital = lavella, currency = euro.
As a kid you must have watched a tv show named dora right?
Just imagine Dora (Andorra) beating the crap out of prince Noah(#2) with big rope (Europe) for not telling her the way to the heart shaped love cave named Love-villa (Lavella-capital) & the prince offers her thousands of roses(euro-currency) so she spares him, but she doesn't stop beating him imao! ;D.
By following the same pattern, you go through whole continent's or world's countries & memorize their capitals with currencies, it's that simple & easy.The key to masterful recall will depend on your imagination, how good, clean, detailed images you make in your mind.
Some useful tips:-
- As i stated above, imagination is absolutely necessary for a good recall, so don't slack on imagination & also visualize scene clearly.
- To instantly improve your imagination include these things in it, color, size, bizarre or weird.
- Color = just by adding this one element to your imagination can increase your about 50%, so be sure to include colors in your imagination as essential.
- Size = this element is also proves to be very useful in your imaginations for a good recall cause, if you visualize the size of thing you trying to memorize to be different from reality, it will stick out oddly & make recall easy for you. i.e:- if you are visualizing an apple, create it's image to be ridiculously large or hilariously small in comparison it's size of reality.
- Bizarre = Just imagine something bizarre that really sticks out. i.e:- An elephant flying, Cheetos talking, naked banana posing for modeling etc.
I broke lavella into two different words like_Love villa, this method is without a doubt very helpful for memorizing large or unfamiliar names.
& That's just it!
You can memorize whole world's countries names, capitals, currencies & much more by simply using this one heck of technique!
Not only countries are but, almost anything can be effortlessly memorize by learning some memorization techniques.So if you are interested in improving your memory join the community of thousands of people just like you, who are seeking to improve their memory by subscribing to super memory!