The link mnemonic system is a basic memorization system or technique but is of great significance.
The reason is, it's used in conjunction with advanced memorization systems so be sure to learn this system.
First we are gonna learn link system.then we will create pegs to hold information for later recall by learning some basic memory systems so that you will be able move on to advanced memorization systems which enables you to hold unlimited information with easy recall!
hold your excitement for a minute!
Attention here 1st please! be sure not to skip any of these systems & practice of them,if you do skip! you may not be able to use advanced systems.
Understood? so let's start.
How it works?
There are two methods for using link system.
1.connect images with images in order.
you just take your items & connect them in a sequence with the use of your imagination.
2.make a story.
Just make a story with your imagination.
I am gonna show you both of them, keep what works for you!
Some tips on imagination:-
Remember this when imagining items like an apple, don't just imagine red apple & connect it with other items, you might have a hard time recalling that instead do this!
when you imagine items define thier colors,exaggerate it(make it overly large or hilariously small), make it weird, give it action(means not a still picture but create movie in mind), include emotions and finally involve your senses in your imagination(touching,smelling,hearing,tasting).
One more thing, you must see pictures clearly in your mind not just speak them.
Here let me show you an example.
Let's say here's a list of 10 things you wanna memorize before you go shopping.
Cooking oil
Hair spray
1.imagine & associate.
Now connect 2nd with 3rd item via imagination.
Your wife or mother is cooking dish in a kitchen with toothpaste(weird) as you go and say what are you doing?cooking with toothpaste?(cooking will help you remember oil).
Now connect 3rd with 4th.
On street food shops people cooking black shoes & eating them saying yummy!you say wtf?
4th to 5th.
You purchase something from shop as he is returning your change the shop keeper lift his feet & pulls out money and says i don't have wallet so this shoe is my wallet and you pity him giving your wallet.
Remember just don't see feel like it's really happening!
5th to 6th.
You have big white wallet(weird) & a jackass(donkey) is drawn on that wallet.
Jackass will help you remember jacket.
6th to 7th.
Imagine having a jacket(define color)in your hands that sprays hair.(wierd)&(gross).but that's how u will remember it better.
7th to 8th.
You have spray in your right hand and you are attending calls with it & people watching you are calling you insane.
8th to 9th.
You have a mobile which has a shining sky blue antenna that automatically picks up rain signals & opens up giant umbrella for you of white color.
Finally last!
You see a brown hen which is holding a red umbrella on hand while laying black colored eggs.(weird)
Now open up your mobile note, write all items & come check again.
If you imagined those scenes as i said, you will definitely remember all of them. but, if you didn't that just means you did not associate it well or it was lacking in imagination.(for help on imagination scroll up in case you missed it).
If you are thinking it's too time consuming.It's taking time to type it doesn't take this long to imagine & as you keep practicing you will improve too.
Okay start!
So how much did you got right?
Well congratulations! & this is just beginning you are much more amazing than this!
2nd method for link system(make a story):-
you to check if your dad is pulling your leg but, as you see the oil is mixed toothpaste you it's really gross! you say i have to purchase toothpaste my self! as you go out in front of your gate there's at least a 10 meter big shoe & you are trying to move it away from your door but you can't, so you leave it there & go to shop & say gimme toothpaste please then you bring out your wallet & smack that wallet on the shopkeepers face for no reason! saying how does it feel?jackass(jacket) & you start to run away from there as he contacts police.Police officers arrives & starts to spray on your face saying how does it feel sir? & leave you there after you stand up, check you pockets your phone is gone & realize they were thieves in disguise as the real police arrives surrounds you, saying hands up where we can see them! pointing umbrella at you instead of say today real weird things are happening to me.this is not the end! even after all that suddenly, egg falls on your head as you look up a hen is smirking at you!
after all that weird things you hear a voice, son wake up! finally you realize it was a dream!
Make your story and imagination absurd it's easier to remember that way, the more absurd the better!
So how many items do you remember with story method?
Write down in your device!
All again? Excellent!
Well some people might have problems.If you remembered all in both you are already better than many people & are gonna get much better with next techniques you are about to learn in next post!-Remember 100% almost anything with these memory techniques! number-shape and number-rhyme systems.
tip:- Don't forget to share these techniques with your friends, as you can practice more efficiently & learn much faster practicing these techniques with your friends!